Club Equipment
Each Club keeps and maintains its own equipment. Below are the guidelines on how to purchase, sell and disable club equipment
Equipment Purchasing
For all equipment purchasing for your club please follow the purchasing guidelines found in the Purchasing FAQ page.
All essential equipment should be added into the RecHub equipment database specific to your Club
For equipment purchases over $5,000.00 you will need to work with your Advisor to ensure it is placed in the University asset management plan to be insured. NOTE: $5,000.00 also requires you follow the Simplified Bid Process.
Equipment Donation
Clubs are allowed and encouraged to seek the donation of equipment from manufacturers, vendors and community members. Clubs cannot donate their equipment to other non-profits or external organizations. All donations must be approved by the executive board. Follow these guidelines for acquiring donations.
Donations from Manufacturers: The University and in specific, the Union uses a third-party company to manage corporate donations. If there is a business looking to donate equipment, please meet with your advisor. After approval is given by Union Leadership to proceed, your Club will need to have an official vote to accept the donations during an executive board meeting.
Donations from Vendors: Local vendors may want to donate equipment to your Club. If they wish to donate without condition your Club will need to have an official vote to accept the donations during an executive board meeting.
Donations from the Community: If an individual wishes to donate equipment to your Club, your executive board will need to have an official vote to accept the donations during a board meeting. If the equipment is critical safety equipment (BCD, Regulator) it will need to be inspected and serviced by a professional before use.
All donations can be written off on the donors taxes. If your donor wishes to have a Letter of Note regarding their donation, please send your meeting minutes where the donation was accepted and the contact information for the Donor to the Director of OutdoorUW.
Equipment Sale and Disposal
All equipment that is past safe or reasonable life must be sold or disposed of in accordance with UW Policy.
Equipment that still has a usable life must be sold through SWAP. Revenue from the sale will come back to the Club. Work with your advisor to post items on swap. If the original value of the item was over $5,000.00 it will need to be removed from system inventory; work with your advisor.
Equipment that does not sell through SWAP may be offered up first-come-first-served to members for free.​
​Equipment past it's usable life must be disabled and disposed of.
Example 1: A climbing rope with too many falls or past manufacture recommended lifespan should be cut. It can be repurposed for non-climbing uses​.
Example 2: A sail that has no useable safe life or resale value can be thrown away OR given away for non-sailing use (painters tarps, craft projects, etc.).​​​
Pro Deals
Outdoor UW will be updating this periodically. Check back to see what pro deals are available. Check out our current deals here.
Please reach out to ouwadmin@union.wisc.edu for questions.